Museum and Residences

The Campidoglio (Capitolium) is the political hearth of Rome.
Right in the middle of the square, designed by Michelangelo, there's a copy of the equestrian statue of emperor Marcus Aurelius, and on its side, three important Palaces.
Two of them, Palazzo dei Conservatori and Palazzo Nuovo, house the Collection of the Musei Capitolini, the first public Museum in Rome. In the third Palace, Palazzo Senatorio, the offices of Rome's mayor are housed.
Visiting the Museums' Collections, we can admire some great statues as the Spinario, the Lupa Capitolina (the she-wolf thats the symbol of Rome, related with the legend of Romulus and Remus), the Venus Capitolina, the dying Galata and the collection of the Roman Emperors busts. Most important of all, we'll live the experience to enjoy the original bronze equestrian statue of Marcus Aurelius, kept in a hall designed just for it.
From the Tabularium (the roman State archive), we'll also enjoy one of the best views over the Foro Romano.

The visit is dedicated to a monument regarded as the symbol of the Augustean age : Ara Pacis, that is the altar which celebrates the peace in the empire obtained by Augustus after the victories of Roman army in Gallia and in Spain.
It was built between 13 and 9 b.C. and it was consecrated to the pagan Gods and to Augustus.
After its restoration, the Ara Pacis Augustae has been set up in the scene conceived by the architect Richard Meyer and in the basement of the monument there is a setting out path showing the history of the archaeologist excavations, of the monument restoration and the relief model of the surrounding Campo Marzio area in the age of Augustus (so named area because dedicated to Mars, the god of war).
Youll also admire the plaster copies of the faces of the most representative members of the giulian-claudian dynasty, the noblest families in Rome at that time.

It is one of the richest collection of antiquities in the World.
We will admire many portraits of eminent roman persons and the first statues of women.
Well draw your attention to the designs of the imperial villas with their decorations and sculptures, beginning from the villa of emperor Nero in Anzio and the villa of emperor Adrianus in Tivoli.
Well reserve a particular attention to the frescos from the villa of Livia, the wife of emperor Augustus. The villa is located along the Flaminia road and its frescos represent a garden, named hortus conclusus.
Other frescos adorned the inside portico of the Farnesina villa, the residence of Cleopatra, queen of Egypt, during her stay in Rome.

Erected between 298 and 306 AD, the Bath of Diocletian are the widest and most imposing wellness center built in Rome.
The heart of it, with the frigidarium, tepidarium and calidarium rooms, was converted by Michelangelo Buonarroti in the Basilica of Santa Maria degli Angeli e dei Martiri: the result is a huge, amazing church,where visitors can still enjoy the great roman architecture.
Next by the entrance of the church, there is the Museum, whose highlight is the natatio, the large swimming pool of the Baths; visitors can also admire the section of Proto history of Latin People and the Epigraphic section.

The Cardinal Scipione Borghese had been getting in his palace, all his life long, one of the most important collections of antiques and masterpieces of art.
The actual museum offers the show of the statue of Venus by Antonio Canova, an allegoric neoclassic representation of Paolina Bonaparte, sister of Napoleon.
Well also admire some masterpieces by Gian Lorenzo Bernini: the statues of David, Apollus and Daphne and The rape of Proserpina.
Many famous painting are also exhibited in the museum: the Boy with the basket of fruits and the Madonna of the Palafrenieri by Caravaggio, the Deposition of Christ by Raffaello, the Danae by Correggio, the Portrait of a man by Antonello da Messina and The sacred and profane love by Tiziano.

Palazzo Barberini is one of the most remarkable palace in Rome.
It was planned by Carlo Maderno, but his design was deeply modified by Bernini following the will of Cardinal Francesco Barberini.
Bernini emphasized the classic schemes of the ideal Renaissance palace and designed two open wings in both its side. He succeed in harmonizing the majestic greatness of a deputation palace for the Pope's family and, at the same time, the comfort of an urban villa provided with wide gardens and open views.
The most famous paintings in the gallery are the Fornarina by Raffaello and two masterpieces by Caravaggio: Giuditta beheading Oloferne and Narciso.
The vault of the main hall inside the gallery has the Triumph of the Divine Providence, painted by Pietro da Cortona.

The Farnesina is the usual nickname of Villa Chigi, a real jewel of the Renaissance architecture in Rome.
It was built by the will of Agostino Chigi, a rich and cultured banker, native of Siena in Tuscany.
The villa was designed by Baldassarre Peruzzi at the beginning of 1500 and its rooms were painted by the most famous artists of the that time: Peruzzi himself, Sodoma, Sebastiano del Piombo e Raffaello. The masterpieces of Raffaello are the splendid Loggias dedicated to Amore and Psiche and to Galatea.

Visiting this amazing Residence, you can enjoy the major part of the masterpieces of the Doria Pamphilj's family private collection: they are all located in the Gallery, where visitors can still breath the history and nobility of the family,related with some of the oldest italian families, as the Della Rovere, Aldobrandini, Doria.
The paintings cover every single spot of the walls, but you will focalize your attention on some of the masterpieces by italan and international artists, like Caravaggio, Tiziano, Raffaello, and Flemish Masters.

The Colonna family is one of the oldest in Rome, dating back to the 12th century and having still leaving members.
The Residence contruction took about five centuries, but the present art style in the result of works made in the 1600s, that gave it the form a great Baroque Palace.
During this period, the famous Gallery was openes, which has 76 meters of lenght.
Visitors can admire it and some of the apartments, that house beautiful works of art by artists like Pinturicchio, Carracci, Guido Reni, Tintoretto, Bronzino, Guercino, Veronese...
By the way, it is in the Gallery that the last scene of the popular movie Roman Holidays was filmed: here, princess Anna /Audrey Hepburn meets for the last time the Journalist Joe / Gregory Pack, saying goodbay with a silent, elegant smile....

Erected in the 1500s on the will of Cardinal Girolamo Capodiferro and purchased in 1632 by Cardinal Bernardino Spada, who enriched the Palace with a precious collection of works of art.
Visitors can walk through the rooms, admiring the paintings by Guercino, Carracci, Domenichino, Reni, Baciccia and other Baroque artists, but, at the same time, people can also enjoy the characterisic aspect of a old private collection, where, along the rooms, paintings have a mere decorative intent.
In the courtyard, it is possible to visit the famous Perspective Gallery by Francesco Borromini, paradigm of deception of the senses, so typical in the Baroque artistic culture.

On the via Nomentana you can visit the most modern among the noble, private roman Residences: Villa Torlonia, that still keeps its english garden, one of the few examples in Rome.
In 1797, Marquis Giovanni Torlonia purchased a Colonna Villa on the via Nomentana and commissioned Architect Valadier to transform the Palace in a modern residence. Valadier designed the Casino Nobile (noble casino), the Casino dei Principi (princes casino) and part of the park.
Works continued under the Architects Caretti, Raimondi and Jappelli, who finished the decorations in the Villa and the Park; they also designed the Capanna Svizzera (Swiss hut), then converted in Casina delle Civette(cottage of owls).
The Villa was the residence of Benito Mussolini, and it housed important events, like the wedding between Edda Mussolini and Galeazzo Ciano.
In 1977, the city of Rome purchased the area and started an important work of restauration. Thanks to it, it is now possible for visitors to enjoy the noble, new classic atmosphere in the Casino Nobile and also visit the Stained glass Museum open in the Cottage of owls.

Named also the Hadrian Mausoleum, since it was erecyted by Emperor Hadrian as Mausoleum for him and his family. It housed the remains of Hadrian and his wife Sabina, Emperor Antonino Pio and his wife Faustina, Emmperor Commodo, Marcus Aurelius, Septimius Severus, Caracalla...
In 590 the Mausoleum changed its name, being dedicated to the Archangel Michael.
Over centuries, the noblest and most powerfull roman families tried to conquer and occupy it, but in the 1300s it went under the Popes control, being, little by little,transformed into a fortress.
The Castle is one of the most fascinating monuments in Rome, and also a perfect example of the historical stratification of the City: visiting it, people can admire the structures of the old Mausoleum, visit the rooms frescoed by Reinassance artists, explore the area of the dreaded Vatican prisons, and and travel through centuries of history. At the end, the visitor can get the very top, the terrace, being just below the statue of the Archangel Michal, and, from there, enjoying a spectacular view over the Tiber river, the Vatican and the City.

The Palace was built at the beginning of 1600s. It is the typical example of late mannerist style.
Its rooms are decorated with frescoes by 1800s Painters from Germany, named Nazareni, who took their inspiration from the first Reinassance art.

The Palace was built by Cardinal Scipione Borghese, nephew of Pope Paul V, as a great family residence near the Quirinale Palace.
The Villa was started by the architect Flaminio Ponzio, then continued by Carlo Maderno; the garden, with its Aurora Casino, was designed by Giovanni Vasanzio.
In 1704, the Palace was purchased by Prince Giovanni Battista Rispigliosi, nephew of Pope Clement IX, and by its wife Maria Camilla Pallavicini, this way becoming residence of the family Pallavicini Rospigliosi.

Classical Itineraries

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